Time is Now

We look at today as a result of the past. But what if past is a result of today. Live no w.


At Ayang Kaalo, we believe there is more to life and what gets thrown at us. Rat race we are entrenched in is not going to be sustainable for us as individuals and human kind. How and where do we change? 

Life as we know in this digital era is changing rapidly. Every day. In fact every second. But are we preserving the core of being human?

Where are we at...

Ayang Kaalo Flagship Center

As the authorized wellness partner of LAKSALA, our flagship center is located in Colombo 07, Sri Lanka.

Amandawa | Sourcing Center

21 acres of lush organic garden and a sourcing center to provide the best of both worlds

Ayang Kaalo | Packaging Center

Situated off the Athurugiriya highway exit is our packaging center with QC process